Only One You: A Second Chance Romance Read online
Page 24
“I love it when you tease me," he growled in my ear.
Then with an unexpected spank on my ass, I quickly shot up. My mouth dropped as I hadn't expected any form of punishment for being a tease. I pouted at him while I watched him pick up his pants from the floor.
“That's what you get for teasing me."
"Awww. I didn't deserve to be punished."
Ethan merely chuckled and got dressed in his business suit. I couldn't tell if he was sexier in the suit, or without it.
"It wasn't a punishment, Princess. You merely have a sexy ass, and I couldn't help myself."
I knew he was right. I did have a gorgeous rear, but the stinging still stuck with me as I sighed somewhat.
"One of these days, I'll have to return the favor to you."
"Slap my ass? Not if I tie you up first," he replied, in a matter of fact tone. The bluntness of the statement sent a shiver down my spine.
"We'll see about that, Mr. McKnight."
“Maybe if you're a good girl."
"I'm always a good girl," I walked toward him in my sandals and stood in front of him.
"And yet you get spankings," he buttoned his blazer, leaned down, and offered me a gentle kiss on my forehead and another one on my neck.
The sensation of his goatee tickling me, and his warm lips and the heat from his body sent a jolt of electricity between my thighs. The musky scent of his body, soap, and cologne mixed with desire and sex. It was intoxicating, but I tried to remain firm as I stood there, swaying on my feet for a moment before I opened my eyes with a slight, smitten flutter. My mind cursed itself for being taken advantage of so easily with his touches, but I knew I couldn't resist.
"Well, maybe I like getting spanked."
“I know you do," Ethan winked, knowing that if we started on that topic of conversation one of us would end up without pants again. “You and I should take a break in the lounge like you said. I'll order the kitchen to make us something to eat."
"You got a kitchen set up now?" I asked as I followed alongside him. I felt his caressing hand press against my backside as he guided me out to the Cave of Pain and Pleasure. The flashing lights and decor had grown on me as he greeted the other party goers while we walked.
Soon, we emerged into a circular room which was filled with tables and plush couches that sat along the walls. Unlike the other sections of The Twisted Sanctuary, the lounge itself was more or less designed for sitting, eating, and talking. Compared to the bar, dance floor, and the Cave of Pain and Pleasure's private rooms, it was classy and simple.
"It's in the pre-launch phase."
“Wow, that's wonderful to hear," I said. I took a seat beside him, and he put his arm around my shoulder. We got comfortable with one another for the evening, to rest and enjoy the atmosphere of the club.
Just then, I heard shouting from the distance of the club and grabbed Ethan's thigh.
“You hear that?"
“Someone probably had too much to drink tonight. It happens from time to time, but my bouncers are good at kicking them out."
“Oh, okay," I forced a smile.
Then the shouts became louder, but I couldn't tell where it was coming from with the sea of people. "Where is she? Get the fuck out of my way!"
“Ethan, I think I hear it coming from the dance floor."
“I said get the fuck out of my way, unless you want a bullet to your head!"
We both got up from our seats and saw the commotion on the dance floor. The shouts, spilled drinks and the gruffness of that voice. That voice was filled with anger, and hints of threats within it.
I recognized who it was.
“Wait here, Jess," Ethan put his arm in front of me to block me from going toward the disorder.
I could feel the bottom of my stomach fall into a pit; it couldn't be. Not here.
It sounded just like Nick.
I shook my head, trying to convince myself otherwise. Turning, he looked at me with a quizzical look before he turned once more toward the dance floor where it sounded like several men were yelling. I could see their fists were clenched as they looked around the club.
Then a man emerged from the group of men which caused me to nearly swallow my breath in shock. Coming from the dance floor was Nick himself. My ex-husband.
And he looked angry.
Chapter Nine
Things quieted down for the most part after everything had happened at The Twisted Sanctuary.
Ethan did his best to apologize and comfort the club patrons that the alternation was not a normal thing to happen at his club. I couldn't help to feel guilty and even apologized to people as well in hopes they'd return.
All of us gave our statements to the police. I told the cops that the ringleader, Nick Notaro, was indeed my ex-husband, gave photographic evidence of what he looked like, where he lived, and what he had threatened us with. Ethan confirmed what I had said. The bouncer followed up with his statement soon afterward, testifying what had happened at the door where he was doing his job. The police stated that they would find Nick but also his entourage since they collected video evidence from the security footage inside the club.
Ethan put his arm around my waist as we exited the front of the door of his club. The bouncer closed the doors behind us and locked and chained it shut.
“Have a good night, you two." The bouncer waved at us.
“Goodnight," I replied back and watched the bouncer walk down the street.
I sighed and felt a cool breeze pass us. I looked at Ethan with a bit of sadness to my face, the guilt of what had happened not dissipating despite the affection he had been showing me.
"Ethan?" I ventured a question.
He blinked as if his mind was in another world altogether, before he turned and looked down at me.
"Yes, Princess?"
I shivered slightly at the use of my special name that I only allowed Ethan to call me.
"Did you want me to come with you?"
"Of course. I don't want you to be by yourself, alright?" he explained as he continued to pull my waist gently, leading me away from the crowded street of the city that typically marked my path when I hailed a cab.
“Thank you."
"You don't have to thank me, beautiful. You were right. Your ex-husband is a piece of work. It'll be safer for you to come to my place."
I couldn't argue with his logic since Nick knew exactly where I lived. He admitted he had me followed, stalked, and tracked me, and no doubt was either at my apartment waiting right now or had a pair of eyes watching it to see if I came back alone.
"I'm sorry Nick came after you tonight, though."
"Wasn't your fault. You're the sexiest woman I've met. I can't blame him for getting a little crazy over you. Now, he would need to go through me to get to you."
If only Ethan knew the half of it, I thought to myself. I bit my bottom lip and continued to walk with him. The atmosphere was dark, and I grew increasingly paranoid to what the darkness held all around us. The police had searched the neighborhood thoroughly and found none of the perpetrators from Nick's gang, but the danger was still ever present.
Ethan held me closer against him. The warmth of his body, the smoothness of his black leather coat, and the smell of his cologne all intermingled together at once. I felt safer in his arms with each step, despite the growing concern of us in the open darkness.
But his voice was what made it so much better as we stepped in front of a black Lexus sedan.
"We're not going by cab tonight."
"I take it this is your car?" I asked with wide eyes admiring the luxury vehicle.
Ethan grinned, shaking his head as he opened the door on the driver's side.
"No. I don't know who it belongs to."
I swallowed hard, unsure if he was joking or not, before he let out a playful laugh.
"I'm kidding, Jessica. Yes. It's mine. Hop in. I unlocked the door."
ou are absolutely the worst." I gave a huff as I climbed in the passenger side. “Now is not the time to be joking."
“But I got you to smile, so it was worth it."
I blushed. I felt the vibration of the starting engine. The sound of a light rev, the sputter of gas, and the sound of mechanical life rolling all into one as I closed the door with a thud.
Ethan's change from a sex God, to the concerned boss, to a teasing fool, turned me on. I couldn't help but feel happiness when I reflected on spending time with Ethan. He was someone who didn't just push me away whenever he was done with me and actually treated me like a partner in his life who he could still have fun with even when not using my body as a toy.
It was more than just a turn on.
It felt... good. To just be seen as another aspect of his day rather than a distraction.
“Are you okay?"
“Yes, I'm fine."
Ethan leaned over to me and planted a wet kiss on my lips.
“I miss your taste already."
"Ethan!" I giggled. “Are we going to drive out of here or what?"
"Just needed a little bit of sugar in the gas tank was all."
Ethan put the car in reverse to slowly pull from the parking spot, and then with another flick of the stick, he put the car in drive as we drove from the alleyway to join the New York City traffic.
The drive itself wasn't too long compared to some cab rides I had taken. Several turns, leaving one borough for another and avoiding the rougher section of the residential segments of the city brought us to one neighborhood that was seemingly built better than the rest. Tall buildings of architectural beauty illuminated the streets below in an incandescent glow. The neighborhood screamed safety. It screamed of people who didn't fear the night, their neighbors or circumstances, and that was enough for me as we managed to park and make our way toward the entrance of a building.
Minutes later, we were greeted by the doorman and made our way inside the main lobby area, and took an elevator to the top floor of the penthouse suites.
I didn't know what to expect in all honesty, but I followed Ethan's lead. Both of us walked in silence together, no longer needing words of comfort or flirtations between us. I nervously fidgeted, realizing I would be seeing the inside of his home for the first time since we had met.
I felt Ethan's hand caress the curve of my back as we walked down the lit hallway. Eventually, we made it to his apartment as he stopped in front of the door. He hesitated for a moment, nervousness marking his features as it appeared Ethan thought for words to say, drawing my curiosity out even more.
"Ethan?" I gently asked before he turned toward me.
"Just thinking is all, Princess. I haven't brought a woman to my apartment before. I think the last time I did was years ago. Just... there's someone living with me is all and I'm nervous to have you meet her."
Ethan nodded.
“Oh. Okay… Well. I mean. How bad could it be?"
"It's my sister." He said with a sigh. He opened the door which allowed us access to his home. Ethan McKnight's world. His own private sanctuary away from the lights, action, and energy of his BDSM club, The Twisted Sanctuary.
I was unsure what I expected when he opened the door. I had my preconceived notions of what his home might look like. I expected it to be much like his club―full of whips, chains, and sex toys littered all around. I realized it was stupid to think that his home would resemble his place of business, but what I saw still came at a shock as he ushered me inside.
His home looked much bigger on the inside than I thought it would. It was simple and elegant. His home featured an open floor plan with high vaulted ceilings above. Several couches surrounded a large flat screen television, carpeting was settled on the hardwood floors, and artistic decorations lined the walls giving it the impression of a more homely gallery of sorts.
I didn't think that Ethan had it in him to be “normal" as I turned to look back to him. He closed the door behind us with a click, a lock, a bolt, and another lock as a security measure. He then wandered out from the opening area in front of the door where coats and shoes lined the wall.
"Well, welcome to my home, Princess. Not the castle you expected I'm sure."
“It looks a hell of a lot more comfortable than your cave."
Ethan only grinned and made his way to me and embraced me in his arms with a kiss before a voice echoed out like a ghost in the room. The tone of voice was high pitched, bouncing off of the white walls of the penthouse suite that he called home.
"Ethan? Is that you?"
Ethan had warned me of who it was that resided with him as he sheepishly pulled back for just a moment.
"I'm by the door!"
A short woman, much the same in height as me but of slender build emerged from the back of one of the rooms. Her face much in the same shape of her brothers; angular, but feminine. The only difference of her, besides her gender, were of the rounded glasses that she wore, and her hair pulled back in a bun.
She came out, looked in our direction and then bounded on her bare feet toward him, wrapping her arms around him in a hug as she held him close. Her voice running a mile a minute, each word running over each other as she couldn't help but hold onto him.
"Oh, my God! Are you, ok? Laurence called and told me everything that happened. Are you hurt?"
"Lisa, I'm alright! Calm down."
"Why did I have to hear about this from him and not my own brother?"
"I know. I know. I'm fine now, will you let go of me?"
I couldn't help but chuckle and admire the situation that the poor man had found himself in. And perhaps, I felt a little jealous. I was the youngest of four siblings. My other siblings were older by five to ten years and had left home as soon as I entered my teen years. So I had no one to build a relationship with, unlike Ethan and his sister from what it seemed.
Lisa finally peeled herself from Ethan and took a step back. She cleared her throat as she looked in my direction. Her own blue eyes penetrating into me for just a small moment, almost as if she was trying to recognize who I was. Momentarily, the awkwardness grew between us before the silence was broken.
"I see we have company over. Who is this?" Lisa asked.
"This is Jessica Natorao."
Suddenly, it was like a light that went off in his sister's eyes.
"Wait! The one you can't stop talking about?"
"Yes. That's her. You going to try to embarrass me or something?"
“Whatever, Ethan," Lisa giggled and turned to me.
"Jessica, this is my younger sister, Lisa. She's... staying with me for now while she attends New York University."
“Hello, Lisa. Nice to meet you." I gave a friendly smile.
“Nice to meet you, too!"
"Ladies, can we move from the doorway?"
“Grumpy," Lisa teased.
“It's been a long day."
“Which is why you have tell me everything that happened. Oh, my God! I didn't think you'd ever have someone pointing a gun at you," Lisa quickly spoke and walked to the kitchen.
"Well, it is New York, Lisa..."
Ethan gave me an apologetic smile as he reached out for my hand.
"Sorry, Jessica. I guess she was just a little excited."
“A little?" I giggled. "So, what's this I hear that you can't stop talking about me?"
Ethan could only groan. The truth of his affection now out of the bag, and in truth, it made me want him even more.
Chapter Ten
Things quieted down for the most part after everything had happened at The Twisted Sanctuary.
Ethan did his best to apologize and comfort the club patrons that the alternation was not a normal thing to happen at his club. I couldn't help to feel guilty and even apologized to people as well in hopes they'd return.
All of us gave our statements to the police. I told the cops that the ringleader, Nick Notaro, was indeed my ex-husband, gave photographic evidence
of what he looked like, where he lived, and what he had threatened us with. Ethan confirmed what I had said. The bouncer followed up with his statement soon afterward, testifying what had happened at the door where he was doing his job. The police stated that they would find Nick but also his entourage since they collected video evidence from the security footage inside the club.
Ethan put his arm around my waist as we exited the front of the door of his club. The bouncer closed the doors behind us and locked and chained it shut.
“Have a good night, you two." The bouncer waved at us.
“Goodnight," I replied back and watched the bouncer walk down the street.
I sighed and felt a cool breeze pass us. I looked at Ethan with a bit of sadness to my face, the guilt of what had happened not dissipating despite the affection he had been showing me.
"Ethan?" I ventured a question.
He blinked as if his mind was in another world altogether, before he turned and looked down at me.
"Yes, Princess?"
I shivered slightly at the use of my special name that I only allowed Ethan to call me.
"Did you want me to come with you?"
"Of course. I don't want you to be by yourself, alright?" he explained as he continued to pull my waist gently, leading me away from the crowded street of the city that typically marked my path when I hailed a cab.
“Thank you."
"You don't have to thank me, beautiful. You were right. Your ex-husband is a piece of work. It'll be safer for you to come to my place."
I couldn't argue with his logic since Nick knew exactly where I lived. He admitted he had me followed, stalked, and tracked me, and no doubt was either at my apartment waiting right now or had a pair of eyes watching it to see if I came back alone.
"I'm sorry Nick came after you tonight, though."
"Wasn't your fault. You're the sexiest woman I've met. I can't blame him for getting a little crazy over you. Now, he would need to go through me to get to you."
If only Ethan knew the half of it, I thought to myself. I bit my bottom lip and continued to walk with him. The atmosphere was dark, and I grew increasingly paranoid to what the darkness held all around us. The police had searched the neighborhood thoroughly and found none of the perpetrators from Nick's gang, but the danger was still ever present.