Only One You: A Second Chance Romance Read online
Page 23
"It's okay, girl. We love you, and we have your back."
“Theresa is right. If you need us to come with you to file a restraining order or whatever you need to feel safe then so be it."
“What would I do without you two?" I smiled.
"Well, for one you wouldn't have anyone to go out with at night."
“You're still trying to get me out of the house I see."
“Yes! We're not going to allow you to live cooped up in your apartment in fear," Mariah said. “You got plans tonight?"
"No..." I hesitated. I didn't have any plans that evening, but I was unsure what they were planning, knowing fully well what that tone of voice from her meant.
"Good. Why don't we get you dressed up and get you back out there to see that guy of yours that you can't stop talking about?"
“Ethan. McKnight." Theresa mocked.
“Why do you have to say it like that?" I laughed. “Besides, I look like one hell of a hot mess!"
"Not after a hot shower, and some makeup. You got curves of a goddess. You can never look like a hot mess on your worst day," they replied in turn.
"You guys know I don't have money like that right now. I'm saving up to go back school."
"I'll pay for your night out, duh!" Mariah offered as she inched closer to me.
I stood in silence and pondered the enticing thought of seeing Ethan again
"Earth to Jess," Mariah waved her hands.
“I need time to get ready," I said.
"It's four in the afternoon. A hot shower, a bit of makeup, something sexy, and bam! You're ready to go."
"Exactly. You're going out with us, and that's that." Theresa, ever helpful, followed through.
I finally gave in. After all, what's the best that could happen? I show up. I see Ethan, and we have a repeat of the other night.
The worst case? Ethan doesn't recognize me or merely just saw me a quick fling? But that was something I needed to take a chance on. I would be crushed if the worst case scenario happened. But at the same time, maybe I would be relieved at the truth. And if it was the best case scenario? Well, I would have another night of fun being his “Princess."
"Alright. Alright. You two win. I'll go."
Mariah and Theresa both cheered in celebration. My best friends. My conspirators. The drivers of my destiny. The two whom I loved and would do anything for, and who I also wanted to strangle a little too much with hugs sometimes. I was appreciative of their friendship and the fact that they cared about me.
“What are you guys going to wear tonight?"
“We?" Mariah asked.
“Umm, I thought we were all going out to that BDSM club."
“Nope. Just you," Theresa winked at me.
“Oh, my God. Seriously?" My mouth dropped.
“Well, look at the time. Here's money for the club and I'll arrange for an Uber for you. Be ready at 9:00 PM."
“Ethan. McKnight. Is waiting for you…" Mariah sung.
“I can't believe this," I shook my head and grabbed a twenty dollar bill from Mariah's hand. “Alright, ladies. I guess I have to get ready."
“Ethan. McKnight." Theresa mimicked.
“Bye!" I giggled and shooed them out the door. “Love you and thank you!"
After I hugged them goodbye, I rushed to prepare myself for another night at The Twisted Sanctuary. I quickly headed to the bathroom and hopped into the shower. I washed my hair and exfoliated my skin to near perfection. I wanted to look presentable for my prince tonight.
“Shit!" I screeched, realizing I had been in the shower for about an hour. I hurried to my bedroom closet as it came time to choose what outfit to wear for my night out. Black and red being the predominant theme of the club, I chose something red that hugged my curves and gave plenty to the imagination. Feeling, perhaps, that it would draw the attention of Ethan if he were to spot me.
Several hours later, I was back at The Twisted Sanctuary. I thanked the Uber driver and smoothed down my dress as I got out the car. The sun was dipping down beyond the horizon as a cool breeze ripped in from the northern winds which sent a slight shiver down my spine.
Was I really going to do this once more?
That anxiety returned to me as I waited in line with the myriad of people. What if this time I didn't pass the bouncer's appraising gaze and was denied entrance? I stepped closer toward the bouncer and could see him denying all those that were deemed unfit to the pleasure and excitement behind the open doors. His silence was a stark contrast to the pulsating sound of the music and people behind him inside the club.
"Alone?" was all the bouncer said, his eyes hidden behind the dark rim of the sunglasses as I last remember.
"A girl just wants to have fun, right?" I bit my bottom lip.
And from there, the bouncer turned and rose up his hand, admitting me entrance as he bellowed in that low baritone voice of his. "Alright, you made me smile tonight. Have fun."
“Thank you," I blushed.
I nodded my head and made my way into the familiar hallway once more. The red velvet carpet and the darkened entrance cast shadows behind me as the flashing strobe lights matched in intensity to the music that was being played.
And once more, I entered The Twisted Sanctuary. The dance floor separated from the bar. The Cave of Pain and Pleasure in the back. The unmistakable scent of flesh, sex, sweat, musk, and alcohol coalescing into a haze that collided with the fog machines to give the air of mystery all around.
And so, I made my way among the sea of people as I walked to the bar. The club itself seemed more packed with people than I anticipated for the hour, being it was a weekday. I intended to sit at the bar, much like I had done before, to draw the attention of the man of my dreams. Hoping against the odds that he was here, and that fate would conspire to place me in the right place, at the right time.
But it seems fate had other plans for me as I walked up closer, and saw him. The same man as before.
Ethan McKnight.
His short hair was slicked back. The goatee, the silky smooth and powerful appearance of his business suit. His piercing blue gaze still prowling like a predator on the hunt.
I caught my breath in my throat and felt a sort of apprehension take hold of me. I mastered the courage and stepped toward him. It was now, or never to find out if my fears should be confirmed. I walked up, standing nearly to his side before I spoke. My voice loud, carrying through the discord of competing noises.
"Looking for something?"
And then Ethan turned, his head swiveling upon those perfectly broad shoulders of his as he looked first at my red glossed lips and then to my eyes. At first, a look of surprise, and unknown to his face that caused that seed of doubt to grow inside me.
But it was quickly squashed as his blue eyes brightened, he licked his lips and that grin of his returned.
"Well now, my Princess has returned."
And that was enough to calm all my fears. All my doubts. All the negativity that I had thought of for the last several days.
"What can I say? I missed my prince."
And from there, I sat down at the bar with him to start my evening with the man once more, having now a proper start to what would become the major change of my life at that point.
Chapter Eight
Several months had passed without incident since I'd been avoiding both Nick and the past that I intended to leave behind forever. No matter how many voicemails from blocked numbers that he had sent my way in attempts to work on “us"―despite being divorced―or him trying to persuade me to talk at the townhouse that we used to share. I could almost smell the desperation in his tone of voice as I continued to ignore him.
The relationship I had with Ethan started out physical but began to slowly change as we became closer to one another. He started revealing more of himself as a person outside of The Twisted Sanctuary. Our encounters with one another became more frequent and more passionate. Always starting with the flirtat
ions, followed by a round of foreplay. Our orgasms marking the musk of the room at the club that Ethan designated as his private playroom. The room itself ever changing in design, always reflecting our innermost lust to one another as toys were seemingly added the more we experimented.
After foreplay, we'd sit and continue with conversations about ourselves, his business, and the state of the club. Of me, my desires, aspirations, and what I wanted out of life.
But it always circled back to sex. Ethan's stamina consistently overpowered me to the point that I would feel my mind slipping into unconsciousness as I was brought over the edge time, and time again. From there, it was only a matter of minutes before that feeling of pleasure returned to us both. We would then have ourselves another round, running ourselves ragged for a third, fourth, or even fifth time if either of us dared to venture that far into the evening.
I would send Ethan a frisky text message by phone, being as sweet as I possibly could be. He would then send a message back always saying he'll be ready for his Princess.
And typically he was ready. He would prepare our room at the club for an evening with us inside. Drinks, food, and toys of erotic nature. He would tell me he had more than capable employees who could handle their jobs, and that with me there he looked forward to having an excuse to get away from managing his club.
Our sessions and time with one another always seemed to follow the same formula: we would eat and talk. We would kiss, then fuck, then fuck again. Then we would lay there with him holding me tight as we talked the night away.
Though our conversations never did reveal too much outside of glimpses and the peek at who Ethan was. We never talked about his family or himself outside of work. He continued, even after a while, to be a mystery to me and I was convinced I was unsure that I wanted to know, for fear of what I would find.
Would Ethan be another monster in sheep's clothing just like Nick? I thought. Would he be less than the ideal of what I tragically construed him to be in my mind? I wasn't sure, and I was equally as unsure if that's what I wanted. But the more we saw of each other, the more I didn't want to be away from him.
However, things changed on one evening, which started off like any other before events snowballed. So there Ethan and I laid, entangled once more on the floor of the private room that marked the separation of club and privacy. The softness of the carpeted floor tickling against my slicked body. Each strand and tip of fiber stroking against the sensation of electrical teasing that fired off the synapses of my mind as I came tumbling back from a numbness of both mind and body to the revitalization of life that only a hot session of sex could bring. The feeling of delicious wetness marked all along my thighs and belly, intermingled with sweat from both mine and Ethan's bodies. My wrists were bound with rope once more, and a ball gag embedded in my mouth. My breathing deepened as my world remained blackened out due to the silken fabric that covered my face.
I was Ethan's toy, blind to all but touch, sight, smell, and more. I felt the tingle of orgasm coming forth moments before as I felt my knees give out. I was ecstatic, but exhaustion was quickly giving way to my body as several rounds were longer than I thought I could endure with sex with Ethan.
After I came all over his cock, I laid there breathless and heard through the darkness his chuckles above me. So deep and grumbled in that predatory playfulness of his.
He was leaning over me; I could sense. Soon his hand joined in a gentle caress across my curvy and naked frame. I felt his fingers move further along the curve of my ribcage, pressing in against my soft flesh before he cupped my large breast in his hand. His thumb trailing around the sensitive tip of my nipple. A fire of pleasure shot through my body to my mind, and I gave a soft moan into the ball gag.
"So tell me, Princess...Think you had enough?"
I spoke, or at least as well as I could. The ball gag still fumbling against my lips as I twitched to the touch of his fingers against my sensitivity. It was the most I could do, given my own bound limbs kept me from reaching out to return the favor.
"That's what I thought you'd say," he said. My heart skipped a beat before I felt his hand trail from my breasts, up along my body toward my face as I nuzzled into his touch like a kitten before her master.
His other hand touched both my cheeks as I felt his soft, yet strong fingers caress past the leather that kept the gag bound to me, and through my soft wavy hair as he pushed back.
Obediently, I sat up a little bit more to meet him as I felt the leather and plastic bound to my face loosen and release, which allowed me to breathe even more freely as I slightly gasped before I exhaled. My normal breathing rhythm returned to me, and I smiled. The heat of the room was continuing to build as I leaned forward to press against him.
"Now you may speak a little bit better. Had enough?"
"Mmm..." I purred. "For now."
I felt his fingers caress now in a gentle massage of affection. His fingers curled through my hair, and he removed my blindfold with his other hand.
At first, there was a bright flash of red light entering my sight, blinding me as I squinted into the dusky night of the room. The first thing I noticed was a haze of fuzziness. The smoke and contours of the room shifted into focus before those fuzzy lines and shapes gave way to definition, and I saw the body of the naked man in front of me. Ethan. My Prince. His eyes were half drawn to a close as he kept that slight little smirk that I'd come to love in the several months since our initial meeting.
"I think then Princess you've earned a break for a little while. Present your wrists."
“Yes, sir," I replied holding up my wrists while leaning back on the heels of my feet, sitting like the good girl that I was.
Ethan smiled and reached down to undo the knot that bound my wrists together and held out his hand, offering me to stand. I gripped his strong hand and felt him gently tug me up onto my feet, which made me collide into his muscular body. His warmth radiated from his body and covered me like a blanket. His hardness, still visible and resolute in horniness, stood out and pressed against my stomach. I took my hand and gently caressed across the front of his sleek body. I felt the contour of the lines of his muscles. His pectorals, his ribcage, and his abdomen. Not daring to touch him down below yet, for it would rouse him into another round of bliss.
"You know you're amazing, right?"
"I get that a lot," he said in a playful manner. His cockiness and ego only turned me on more as he gripped my waistline and directed me to the love seat in the back of the room where both of us could sit and talk. He sat down with his arms all across the back of the couch. His thighs spread, cock extending nearly upward, ready at any moment's notice of another round.
I sat beside him and leaned into a cuddle of sorts into the nook of his arm. I reached out with my hand and slid my fingers down against the base of his hard cock. I stroked his smooth, slicked shaft upwards toward the head as I lightly jerked him off.
He let out a little groan of pleasure as he tilted his head back with a bit of a sigh. The muscles of his abdomen clenched from my touch as I applied just a bit more pressure to his girth while I tugged.
"Thought you were ready for a break."
"I am," I replied innocently as I continued to stroke his cock with a slow, tantalizing rhythm. "You don't seem to be, though. Can't have my prince unsatisfied."
"And who said I was?" Ethan winked.
I looked at him with a brow raised, trying to understand him as I looked from his face and to the hardness in the palm of my hand.
"Honestly? Are you always this hard around me or something?"
"Haven't you figured that out yet?" he mused as he shifted on the couch.
"I take that as a no?"
"Willing to find out?"
I tilted my head in thought to his words. I let the swirl of desire intermingle with the rational thoughts that floated in and out of my mind telling me to wait. After all, we had all night together. I was spending more and more time inside The Twisted Sanctuary
than I generally intended to do but it was all worth it. If I overspent myself now, the rational part of me decided, I wouldn't have much fun later on.
I continued to stroke his hard shaft up and down, reaching the pink tip as I squeezed his head gently in my hand. I felt the spurt of his precum oozing between my fingers before I slicked my hand downward once more to the base of his member. Looking down toward the liquid mess, I simply grinned somewhat in spite of myself. Maybe I would just continue to tease him a little bit tonight, I thought. It would be payback for all the times he teased me with agonizing foreplay and ended up having me at his mercy.
A girl sometimes just wants to have a little bit of fun herself.
I bit my bottom lip and gazed at Ethan with my large blue eyes. I tried to look as innocent as I could as I slowly pulled back my sticky hand from his engorged cock. I then gave him a little kiss on his cheek, right above the stubbled line of his facial hair.
"Maybe later, Ethan. Don't you have a club to run?"
I could feel the heat from his exhale as he breathed out deeply from his nose. His body gave a slight shiver of anticipation, almost as if he expected a different action from me. I couldn't help but giggle as I leaned back on the couch.
"I do. But you seem to be punishing me when you know I can't get enough of you."
"Me?" I gasped in mock surprise. "Never. I'm merely deciding not to tire you out too early."
Ethan chuckled once more as he shifted a bit in defeat. The cock swung in a small circle as he stood up. "And if that does happen, it'll be a first."
I blushed and got up from the couch to retrieve my clothing for the evening. Simple leggings, T-shirt, and sandals. "True. And here I wanted to just sit in the lounge and enjoy the club tonight."
Ethan eyed me as I dressed like he always did.
“Why are you so beautiful, Jessica?"
“I don't know."
My face flushed as I felt Ethan's gaze on me and I swayed my hips from side to side enticingly knowing I was playing with fire. I turned around and saw him slowly walk toward me to retrieve his own clothing as well.