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Dirty Hacker: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Alpha Men Book Book 2) Page 15

  Chapter 20

  I woke up with a smile on my face the next morning, instantly remembering how perfect my “meeting” had gone. I was a real asset to the team. There was no looking back—I was a member of The Alliance, for good. I sank into that knowledge, eyes still closed, wanting to hold onto the memories for as long as I could.

  Not only had the hack gone off without a hitch, but there was no sign of my parents being wise to my sneaking out. Things were looking up all over. I was sure that as long as I stayed under the radar with my relationship, they’d get tired of asking questions after a while. I would have to play along for a few more weeks, was all.

  But wasn’t going to college just “playing along,” too? I’d been going back and forth for so long, even though it seemed inevitable that I’d pack up and go and play the good student. Was it what I really wanted anymore? I had already learned more from Preston than I could ever learn in school from even the best professor. They couldn’t teach me what I needed to know to be the best in my field unless there was a “Hacker 101” course I wasn’t aware of. And no mistake—that was what I wanted to do. It was all I wanted.

  Time was like a speeding train bearing down on me. Stay or go? My parents would lose their minds if I didn’t go to Harvard. Their perfect little girl, going to their alma mater. It was their dream. Not mine. They’d lock me in my room and go on a rampage, searching for Preston until the day they died. They’d stop at nothing since they’d blame him for ruining me somehow. I was sure of it. God forbid I made a decision on my own. God forbid they acknowledge how smart and capable I was. On the other side of the coin, they expected me to be smart enough to know a good guy from a bad guy. Didn’t they know they couldn’t have it both ways?

  I rolled over in bed, opening my eyes as I reached for my cell phone. What would Preston have for me? I had gotten to the point where I didn’t get out of bed before checking for my morning message.

  Which was why I was surprised to see nothing at all.

  I sat up, wondering what was wrong. Was my phone having issues? No, I had a strong signal. Had he sent one overnight which I read while I was half-asleep and forgot about? No, there was nothing after the messages outlining instructions for the meeting.

  I checked my other phone, the one my parents paid for. Maybe he’d sent something to the wrong number without thinking about it. He was only human. We all made mistakes.

  Nope. Nothing.

  Should I reach out to him? I chewed my bottom lip, pacing in my tank top and panties. The sunlight filling the room was warm, and I stood directly beneath it, but I felt nothing. It might as well have been the dead of winter. I shivered, wrapping my arms around myself.

  Oh, no. What if he got caught?

  My heart took off at a gallop. What if the entire Alliance had gotten arrested for what we did?

  If so, would they come for me?

  There was no choice but to send him a text. Is everything okay? I stood there, staring down at my phone, willing the ellipsis to appear and tell me he was typing a reply. Nothing. I let out a little groan, near tears. I was sure he’d been arrested. It was the only thing that made any sense.

  What would I do? What would happen to me? Had I made a mistake? Had somebody else? I didn’t know anything about those people, and I’d trusted them. What did I know about their trustworthiness? Not a thing. I was so stupid to believe they could pull it off without getting caught.

  My phone vibrated. I held it up to my face, tears just about spilling over onto my cheeks. Everything’s fine. Why do you ask?

  I could almost taste the relief in my mouth. I laughed at myself for jumping to the wrong conclusion, then wondered if I should tell Preston that I’d gotten scared. What would that make me look like? A child, that’s what. Somebody who couldn’t handle the pressure. I chose my words carefully.

  I’m so used to seeing a text from you first thing in the morning, is all.

  Sorry, have been busy.

  I was worried about you after last night.

  No need to worry. All is well. You did a good job.

  A good job? He’d told me I was incredible in the office. All of a sudden, I did a good job? And nothing about what happened on the roof? I could still feel the ache between my legs, evidence of the pounding he had given me. I was surprised I could walk. And I did a good job?

  Something was off.

  He wasn’t the Preston I’d just talked to hours earlier, and definitely not the Preston who’d just fucked me. There was nothing suggestive or even personal in his messages, which was completely unlike him.

  Are you sure I didn’t do something wrong?

  Ugh. I hated putting it out there like that. I didn’t want him to think I was clingy or reading too much into things—then again, if he didn’t want me to read into things, he shouldn’t have been so strange and standoffish. He couldn’t act one way for weeks, then turn around and act like a stranger.

  Why are you reading into everything I say?

  Then, If you can’t handle the morning after, we might need to talk about your future.

  No! That was the last thing I wanted. Damn, I knew I shouldn’t have said anything. I searched for the right thing to say.

  I don’t think that’s necessary. As long as I know we’re okay.

  I already said we are. I also said I’m very busy today.

  He might as well have slapped me across the face. I felt the sting all through me, and it wasn’t the pleasurable sting I’d felt on my ass, either. What had I done? Why was he upset with me?

  I let it go, afraid of what would happen if I pursued the topic. What if Preston told me he was having second thoughts about asking me to be his girlfriend? What if he had second thoughts about everything? He said he might need to talk about my future. Did that mean my future with the group or my future with him? Or both? No, I couldn’t accept that. I wouldn’t. I’d worked too hard and put too much on the line.

  I wouldn’t wait. I would go to him. I wanted him to look me in the eye when he told me there was nothing wrong.

  An hour later, after showering, dressing and taking the subway to the city, I walked through the doors of Preston’s building with my head held high. They’d seen me there before. They had to recognize me. Maybe they wouldn’t ask why I was there.

  No such luck. A burly guard waved me over to his station behind the front desk. “Who are you here to visit?”

  “Preston Phillips,” I said, as if it was an established fact that I was a frequent visitor and he was expecting me at any moment.

  The guard scanned his monitor. “I don’t see anything here about him leaving word that you were coming in today.”

  I frowned. “There must be some sort of mistake. He’s expecting me to join him in the penthouse.” I tried to stare him down the way Preston asserted himself with just his eyes. I also leaned my elbows on the counter, pressing my boobs together in the sundress I’d worn. From the way the guard looked down at them, I could tell he was intrigued. Normally, I wouldn’t have used my body like that. The last thing I liked was being looked at. However, desperate times called for desperate measures.

  He looked torn. “I guess I could call him to see if it’s okay.”

  “If you want to bother him, that’s fine with me.” Something told me bothering Preston when he didn’t feel like being bothered wasn’t the best idea. I couldn’t be the only person he was stern with when he felt they were breaking into his day.

  He looked at the monitor, then at the elevators. “All right. You can go up.”

  “Thank you.” I almost couldn’t believe I had just convinced him so easily. Maybe I was even more resourceful than I gave myself credit for. The little high I rode as I took the elevator to the top floor was cut short when I knocked at Preston’s door, and he didn’t answer. Terrific. Hadn’t thought the plan all the way through, had I?

  I wouldn’t leave. I’d been through too much to get up there. So I took a seat on the floor, against the door. He had to come
home eventually. I pulled out my laptop—I knew there was a reason I had brought it with me—and worked half-heartedly while waiting for him. Anything to distract myself.

  It was two hours before the elevator bell sounded, signaling Preston’s return. It reminded me of the elevator at the office we’d broken into. Had I made a mistake by showing up unannounced? No turning back.

  He saw me instantly, sitting as I was in the middle of an otherwise empty hallway. His sure, confident step faltered for a split second. For once, I’d managed to surprise him.

  “What are you doing here, Sophie?” he asked as he approached.

  “I didn’t think it was a crime for a girlfriend to visit her boyfriend’s apartment.” I stood, determined to maintain any little shred of dignity I could.

  “Maybe in a normal relationship, but this isn’t a normal one, is it?” He stared into my eyes, as though challenging me. I felt myself melting a little under the weight of his gaze.

  “It’s not?”

  “You follow my rules. Correct?”

  “I thought I was only supposed to follow the rules if I felt comfortable doing so. And I didn’t know there was a rule in place prohibiting a visit.”

  He looked around, as though afraid we would be overheard—ridiculous, seeing as how we were the only people in the hallway. He was the only person who lived on that floor.

  “The day after a meeting like the one we had last night? There are definitely rules in place which prohibit that. I would appreciate you not showing up unannounced anymore.”

  I felt my eyes widen in surprise. “All right.”

  “Excuse me. What was that?”

  My cheeks reddened in embarrassment. “Yes, sir.”

  He nodded. “I won’t punish you for that, since we’re not engaging in power play right now.” He checked his Rolex, sighing with impatience. “I have a conference call in ten minutes.”

  I wasn’t sure exactly what he was getting at, but I had the feeling he was looking for a reason to give me the brush-off. I was more sure than ever that I’d done something to upset him. He wasn’t even the slightest bit affectionate.

  “I’ll go, then.” No sooner had I begun walking away than he went inside and shut the door between us. Not even a kiss. Not even a goodbye. Tears welled up in my eyes. Was it all a game? Was he testing my limits? Well, he was getting to me, for sure. I didn’t know where I stood. I felt totally alone again, just as I had before we ever met.

  I couldn’t look at the guard as I crossed the lobby on my way out of the building. I was too embarrassed.

  Chapter 21

  Good morning, my love.

  I sat up in bed the day after my disastrous meeting with Preston. My eyes were red, still swollen and itchy from all the tears I’d shed the entire day after he rejected me. Needless to say, his text was unexpected.

  How did you sleep?

  “What kind of game is this?” I asked my otherwise empty bedroom. “Who does he think he’s playing with?” Finally, after thinking it over carefully, I replied: I warrant a text message now?

  Don’t sulk.

  I’m not sulking. If I’m your girlfriend, you have to explain why you were so rude to me yesterday. Like you said, we weren’t engaging in power play. It wasn’t acceptable to me, you rejecting me out of hand like that.

  I waited, chewing my lip, to see what he would reply. When he did, I was surprised.

  You’re right. I’m sorry.

  Well, that was something. I reminded myself not to let Preston off the hook too easily.

  I was hurt very badly. I just think you should know that.

  And it was unacceptable of me. You’re absolutely right. It was a very stressful day—a deal went south, so I had a lot of clean-up work to do. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you, he replied.

  Should I forgive him? I held the phone to my chin, wondering if he’d apologized enough to warrant forgiveness. I didn’t like fighting with him—I didn’t like being apart, either. It was terrible.

  I want to be there for you when things don’t go well in your life. That’s what being a girlfriend is all about. I want to be part of everything you do—not in a clingy way, but the way you would include someone in your life, I texted.

  I want that, too. This relationship thing isn’t completely familiar to me. I’m sorry, again.

  Okay. Let’s just put it behind us.

  Well, you did come to my apartment uninvited, he replied.

  I knew Preston would bring that up. I’d hoped he wouldn’t, but he did.

  I’ll make sure it’s all right next time.

  I hope so. As much as I enjoy your punishment, I would hate to have to punish you for something that could be avoided.

  All you have to do is tell me you want to see me, I texted.

  Very cute. Sophie. How about this? Frank will come by in an hour with a package for you. More instructions will be shared once you confirm delivery.

  My blood fairly hummed in my veins. We were back on solid ground, and I felt a fun game coming on. What would he want me to do this time?

  The hour moved slowly, with me dressing and going downstairs for breakfast to pass the time. My parents were long gone, of course—I was surprised to find it was already after eleven. I hadn’t expected to sleep so late when I hadn’t had a late night. Maybe it was the sheer exhaustion. I’d spent hours crying. Well, we’d had our first fight—sort of. And we’d gotten through it. We were knocking down milestones right and left.

  When Frank knocked at the door, I just about jumped out of my skin. I ran to open it, accepting a long, flat package from him. He nodded, smiled, then turned to walk down the steps and drive away. I’d never heard him speak. I wondered if he were mute.

  Before opening the box, I texted Preston: May I open the package?

  Yes, you may, he replied.

  I tore the plain, white paper away from the box, then lifted the lid. Inside, beneath a layer of white tissue paper, was a red dress. I pulled it out by its spaghetti straps, holding it up in front of myself. It fell nearly to the floor, the satin swishing around. A pair of strappy red heels went with it. And something else I wasn’t quite sure of. I pulled from the box a half-mask, the sort that covers the eyes.

  Do you like it?

  Yes, it’s beautiful, I texted.

  I can’t wait to see you in it tonight.

  My heart beat double time.

  Tonight? At your place? I texted.


  Then, Frank will pick you up at 10 pm.

  I waited for more information, but that was all he’d say. After a solid minute, I replied: Yes, sir.

  It looked like I had some preparing to do.

  I was an old pro at sneaking out by that time. I wondered if my parents were at all wise to my coming and going and guessed not—I would hear about it if they knew. That was fine with me.

  After I showered, I styled my blonde curls. They hung down my back, contrasting with the slinky, clinging dress Preston had selected for me. It hugged my curves, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination. My breasts practically hung out of it, nipples taut and firm against the thin satin. The heels he’d purchased—they fit me like a glove—made walking a little uncertain, but I’d practiced in my room throughout the day. I was fairly confident that I’d be able to manage.

  I slipped outside, finding Frank sitting behind the wheel of a limousine. My heart beat fast as I walked down the steps, mask in hand. Where was I going that I needed a mask? The thought was titillating, exotic. What did Preston have in mind?

  I didn’t have to wait long to ask since Preston was waiting for me in the limo. I laughed when I slid inside to find him there.

  “You didn’t tell me you’d be here, too!”

  He grinned devilishly. “I thought it would be a surprise.”

  “Well, it is!”

  He looked me up and down, his eyes lingering on my nearly exposed rack. “Stunning,” he whispered. I glanced down at his crotch, taking note of the
growing bulge there.

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  I didn’t know what came over me, but the urge to expose myself to him was too much to resist. I slid one strap, then the other over my shoulders, letting the front of the dress fall to my waist. His sharp intake of breath told me he approved.

  “You have the most beautiful tits,” he murmured, reaching out to touch them. It had only been two days since he’d stroked my smooth skin, but it felt like a lifetime. I sighed, closing my eyes as he played with me.

  “May I please suck your cock?” I whispered, looking down at the tent he was pitching. I didn’t wait for him to answer before I hiked the dress up to my knees, then sank down. He slid in the seat, making quick work of his fly. His erect, magnificent cock sprang free.

  “Show me how to please you,” I whispered. “I want you to come in my mouth.”

  “You’re such a bad girl.” He stroked my hair, my tits. “Swirl your tongue around the head. Take your time. And make sure it’s very wet.”

  I did so, never taking my eyes from his. He groaned, smiling a little. Moisture spread in my pussy, the sound of his voice and the hard, warm cock in my hand was more than enough to get me worked up.

  “Now suck on the head, just a little. And make sure to work that spot underneath with your tongue.” I did as he asked, flicking my tongue over the underside like he did with my clit. His hips started moving as he thrust into my mouth. I let him thrust away, sucking, licking as he did.

  “Mmm,” I moaned, letting him slide out for just a moment.

  His hands on the back of my head said all they needed to say, and I braced myself as he rammed his cock into my mouth. I fought to keep breathing as he pummeled me with long, deep strokes, faster and faster. His hips and his hands worked together as he bottomed out in the back of my throat, again and again, groaning as he swelled and throbbed.

  “Play with your tits,” he grunted. “Let me see you touch yourself.” I stroked my tight nipples, sighing as little jolts of electricity shot from them straight to my sopping pussy. The limo filled with the sound of Preston fucking my face, sloppy, wet sounds as I sucked and he groaned and grunted, getting close to the edge.