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Creed (A Blood Riders MC Novel Book 3) Page 12



  I sat in the small office at the gentlemen’s club, going over some of the figures from the last quarter and comparing them to the quarter before that. Things were looking better all the time. I had a pretty strong idea of what I would need to do to get the new location off the ground, and I was supposed to meet with Bobby later that night to go over potential locations and designs. Drake had already given me the green light to go with whatever I felt the best about.

  “You mean that?” I’d asked, my eyes just about falling out of my head.

  “Yeah, I mean it. I trust you. You know more about that side of the business than I do now. You’re actually proving yourself on this.”

  I’d punched him in the arm or something stupid, some way to tell him what he said meant a lot to me without having to come out and use the words. That would have been too cheesy. I thought that he understood.

  Around eight, when Bobby was scheduled to meet with me, I heard a knock at the office door. It wasn’t Bobby on the other side. It was Drake.

  “Hey, brother. What are you doing here?”

  “Impromptu party. Bobby and I both thought that we should get together and celebrate all the success that we’ve had so far, and the high likelihood of more success in the future.” He grinned.

  “No shit.” I looked down at the books I was going over. “I’ll be finished here in a little bit.”

  “Wait, what?” Drake put his hand to my forehead. “Are you sick?”

  “Okay, I’ll only let you get away with that because I’ve done it to you so many times.” I ducked out of the way, scowling. “Seriously, though, I’ll be out in a minute. I just wanna mark my place where I left off, so I know where to pick up. I guess Bobby doesn’t wanna go over locations and designs tonight.”

  Drake grinned, leaning on the doorframe. “Wow. You’re really serious about this, huh?”

  “What’s it look like? Did you think that I was just running around chasing skirts while I was here?”

  “Not all of the time. I know that you’re working hard. But I’ve never seen you hold off on joining a party in all the years that I’ve known you. Old Creed would have been standing on the bar with a bottle of whiskey in each hand by now.”

  “Yeah, well, that’s Old Creed. I buried him.”

  Drake laughed. “Nah, I liked Old Creed. I like the new Creed, too. It’s just interesting, seeing the way that you’ve changed. It’s cool. Don’t get me wrong.”

  “I guess we both changed. You started it when you moved to Staten Fucking Island.”

  He snorted. “Yeah, being pussy whipped will do that to you.”

  I stood, turning off the light as I left the office. “How come when I call you pussy whipped, you always get mad at me?” He shoved me, and we were both laughing when we walked into the bar. The party was in full swing, with Blood Riders and Cobras and girls everywhere.

  I leaned in, speaking into Drake’s ear. “What’s the policy tonight on pussy? You talk that over with Bobby?”

  He laughed. “Yeah, he said it’s on the house tonight. The girls can do what they want, who they want, whatever. Anything goes, as long as they’re in working order tomorrow morning.”

  “A-fucking-men,” I said, standing back and looking around. Finally, a chance to get my dick wet. I’d been hanging around the place for months without so much as a single sympathy tug, and my constant hard-on needed some attention. I would get some, at last.

  “Have fun,” he said.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll take one for you, too.” He smirked as I walked away, toward the bar.

  “Whiskey,” I called out, waving a hand to the bartender. He slid a glass across the bar for me, and I caught it, tipping it back into my mouth before asking for another. I saw Diesel dancing with one of the girls—he was a good dancer, surprisingly, spinning her around and pulling her close to him. She looked a little breathless. Of course, she was good at looking breathless and starry-eyed. It was her job.

  I still thought that as two girls walked over to me. One was a tall blonde I recognized as Leeza, and the other was a shorter brunette named Melanie. They were both barely twenty-one, both with perfect bodies. That was a requirement for working with Bobby, of course. You had to be as close to perfect as possible. Shaved, waxed, bleached, firm, and tight. At least a C-cup, natural if possible. They were both sterling examples of how perfect a woman could be.

  “Hey, Creed. You’re finally hanging out with us,” Leeza purred into my ear, smiling.

  “I’m never allowed to,” I said. “Your boss doesn’t like it. I have to keep my nose in the books.”

  “I have a much better place for your nose to be. And your mouth, too.” Melanie moved closer, and I could almost smell the heat coming from her pussy. No way it was happening. Both coming onto me at once? I wished somebody would take a picture.

  “You are looking good tonight,” Leeza said, running her long nails over my chest. I felt my muscles jump under her touch, felt my cock stir to life at just that gentle contact. It had been way too long since I’d gotten laid, I realized. I had been so busy with the club and the brothel and the new location, not to mention working out that I hadn’t thought about sex. For the first time since I discovered the difference between boys and girls, I hadn’t constantly been thinking about getting laid.

  The two women in front of me looked more than willing to correct that problem. “Why don’t you come upstairs with us?” Melanie asked, her blue eyes wide and innocent. There was nothing innocent about her, of course, but she could play it up. I looked at her full lips and knew they would work wonders on my cock. I licked my own lips at the thought, my mouth parched suddenly.

  “What do you say?” Leeza added. Her nipples were rock hard, poking out through the thin silk of her dress. No bra, of course. I could see every curve of her body, and she made me want to reach out and touch her. My hands almost itched for the chance to get their fill of her softness.

  “Oh, yeah. Lead the way.” I walked behind them, brushing past my friends. I thought I heard Drake say something like “That was fast,” but I wasn’t sure. And I didn’t care. I had much bigger things to think about.

  The two of them walked upstairs, leading the way as I’d asked. I heard a few laughs and whistles from downstairs but ignored them. It was all jealousy. They envied the fact that I was going upstairs with two of the hottest women that I had ever seen in person. Both were perfect, and they both wanted me. Life was good.

  They walked down a long hall until they stopped at a set of double doors. Beyond that was a room with a roaring fireplace and a king-sized, four-poster bed. One of them went to a bar cart by the fireplace while the other turned on soft music.

  “What do you want us to do for you, baby?” Melanie ran her tongue along my mouth, setting my skin on fire. I took a deep breath, letting it out in a slow, steady flow. My cock jumped and twitched, even quicker to come to life since I had lost weight.

  “What do you wanna do?” I asked. Leeza brought me a drink—whiskey, my favorite. It was better than anything that we had in the clubhouse. It was so expensive that it would have bankrupted the club if I had it behind the bar.

  “Anything to please you,” Leeza purred. “I’ve had my eye on you for a long time. Ever since you started coming in.” She ran a soft hand over my smooth cheek. “Back when you had that crazy beard.”

  “You gave me more than a passing glance when I had the beard?” I asked with a smirk.

  She smiled. “I did because I knew you were somebody who had power. Power turns me on.”

  “Everybody knows you’re second in the Blood Riders,” Melanie explained. “And when it turned out you were so fucking sexy, too…?” She ran a skilled hand down my chest, over my torso, until she reached my cock. It was already hard and ready to go.

  “Mmm…” she moaned, squeezing a little. My breath caught in my throat. “And you’ve got a huge cock, too. The whole package.” The girls both giggled a
little, while I was in heaven. Leeza stood behind me, tits pressed against my back, running her hands up and down my chest while Melanie stroked me through my jeans. They came close to kissing me, their mouths gliding over my skin without making contact, little moans and sighs coming out of both of them. I was hornier than I had been for ages. It was going to be a magical night.

  I opened my eyes and realized what I was doing. It didn’t feel right. Something was off. No, you asshole. Just enjoy this. When will you ever get this again? I closed my eyes, then, willing myself to enjoy it. Leeza reached for Melanie, untying the knot at the back of her neck so her red dress could fall open. I got a glimpse of her huge, perfect tits before she pressed herself against me and licked a trail from my collarbone to my chin, nibbling there before meeting my mouth with hers.

  I held her head in my hands, thrusting my tongue between her lips. She groaned, accepting me, massaging my tongue with hers. I dug my fingers into her thick, black hair, pulling a little until she hissed. I felt Leeza’s hands slide over my ass, nails raking a trail upward to my shoulders, then back down again. The tip of her tongue touched the back of my neck, swirling in a slow, hot circle while she unbuttoned my shirt from behind.

  Yes. This was what I wanted. Two beautiful, perfect women fighting over my cock all night long. I could imagine the two of them sucking me off at once, their tongues twirling over the head, then one of them taking me into her mouth while the other one sucked my balls. I imagined bending them both over, side by side, and plunging into one, then the other, and back again. I would make them eat each other out while I watched, then I’d fuck one while she licked the other’s pussy before they switched places. On and on, I would have them do every depraved thing that I had ever imagined.

  I opened my eyes again as they two of them started kissing, both of them fondling my aching cock through my jeans. Leeza touched Melanie’s tits, playing with the nipples. Melanie untied black Leeza’s dress, and the two of them danced and kissed while I watched.

  No. It wasn’t right. I wanted it, part of me definitely wanted it. I was about ready to break the zipper on my jeans if they kept playing with each other’s tits like that, moaning and sighing into each other’s mouths. I would fucking explode before either of them touched my bare cock.

  But it didn’t feel right. I couldn’t get into it beyond a certain point. I didn’t know what the hell was wrong with me. Was I sick or something?

  Finally, Leeza opened her eyes and must have noticed the look on my face. “What’s wrong?” she purred, while Melanie nuzzled her neck.

  What was wrong? It was all an act, that was what was wrong. How many other men had they talked to the way that they spoke to me? How many others had they performed for? There was nothing meaningful in it. They didn’t give a shit about me. They might have wanted to fuck me, but there was nothing real about it. They were only going through the same motions that they went through for every other man who walked through the brothel. The same formula that worked every single time. Touching each other, playing with each other’s bodies, whimpering and moaning while the guy stroked off to the sight of them. Big fucking deal.

  “I’m sorry,” I muttered, pouring myself another drink. “You two can stop now. I’m just… I’m not feeling it. It’s not you, believe me.”

  “You were so hard, baby,” Melanie murmured, touching her tits. Making me want to watch. She knew I wanted to, too. She took it personally that I wasn’t into it.

  “I’m still hard,” I told her, and it was evident I was about ready to bust loose. I downed another drink. “Believe me, I would love to fuck the shit out of you right now.”

  “So why don’t you?” Leeza climbed onto the bed, pulling her dress over her head. She wasn’t wearing panties. Jesus Christ, her body was perfect. She squeezed her tits, then slid her hands over her flat, tanned stomach until she reached her smooth pussy. “I want you to fuck me, then fuck her while I watch.”

  “Please, just… Just stop, okay?” I turned away. “I’m sorry. It’s just…” I turned back around to face them. They were totally oblivious to what was happening in my head. “Leeza, I watched you go upstairs with some dude just last night. Melanie, you too. I think I saw you with two different guys.”

  The act stopped. “So what?” Leeza asked, hands on hips.

  “So it just doesn’t seem right. I know it’s all fake.”

  “Our clients know it’s fake, too,” Melanie said, tying her dress behind her neck.

  “I know, but… Did you ever go to Disney World?”

  “What?” they asked at the same time.

  “Disney World. You know. Mickey Mouse and all that happy horseshit.” They nodded. “Imagine seeing Mickey Mouse take his fucking head off, and he’s just some pimple-faced college kid. It would lose something, right? I mean, you know it isn't exactly Mickey Mouse. There’s no such thing as a real Mickey Mouse. But for a second there, it could have been real. You could have forgotten about it and just had a good time. That’s how I feel right now. I can’t forget everything that I already saw.” I looked down at my aching cock. “Believe me, I wish I could.”

  Leeza smiled, and she looked like she understood. “It’s okay. You’re a good man. Just don’t go around telling our clients that we were just with another guy earlier that night, all right?”

  I laughed. “Okay.” We all had a drink after that, and they told me about working for Bobby. It was interesting. I learned what to do and what not to do when managing girls like them. For the most part, they liked him, but he was a little too much in their faces. I could see how that would be a problem. He had a way of standing too close without standing close at all. He was almost creepy.

  They agreed to let me sleep in the room that night so that my buddies wouldn’t think that I’d punked out. “Your secret is safe with us,” they promised before they both kissed me on the cheek and left me on my own.

  I hadn’t told them the whole story. I could hardly admit it to myself. I laid there in the big, comfortable bed, wishing that I didn’t have principles or that I had just been a little drunker so it wouldn’t have mattered. But it would have made all the difference in the world. I wouldn’t have liked myself in the morning, and I was starting to figure out that liking myself was important. I had to start doing more of it.

  I had turned Leeza and Melanie down because that was what a man did after he had been with a woman that he legitimately cared about. The little flings and wild nights weren’t the same after that. I was hung up on Tamara, without a doubt, and nothing but her would do. I would have to get over it eventually or else risk living the rest of my life as a monk. For the time being, she was too fresh in my head and my heart to be with anybody else—especially women who had sex for a living. There was something so counterfeit about what they had done with me. Hot, yeah, but empty and unfulfilling. I wasn’t the man that I used to be. I didn’t see the fun in that anymore.

  Whether or not she knew it, Tamara had made me grow up. Maybe I was even mature enough to tell her how I felt and offer to be a father to her child if she would let me. I fell asleep with a smile, imagining what it would be like to have her as my woman.



  It was the day. I had to tell him. My next appointment was coming up in just a few days, and I wanted him to be with me during the ultrasound. I wanted him to experience it with me. But I needed to give him a little time to adjust, too. It would be unfair to tell him on the way to the doctor’s office. I couldn’t expect him to be excited right away.

  I got to work that day feeling hopeful, even though I was bigger than ever. It was becoming a real feat of creative stretching to reach into the cooler for a bottle of water. I couldn’t reach over the bar the way that I used to, either, when I was standing at the sink. My belly kept getting in the way. I wouldn’t be able to work without help for much longer—either that or I would just tell the guys to get their own damned water from here on out.

  Harris was already there
, hooking up a new keg to one of the taps. He was so sweet that I almost couldn’t handle it. “How do you feel today?” he asked.

  “Pretty good. I actually slept last night.”

  “That’s good. If you wanna go back and take a nap later, just let me know.” He took the empty keg out back. I thanked him as he left. There was something to be said for accepting help when people were so willing to offer it.

  When he came back in to take the stools down from on top of the bar, he had a smirk on his face.

  “What’s up?” I asked, putting on a pot of coffee.

  “Oh, I was just thinking about how bad the guys must feel right now.” He chuckled to himself.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Didn’t you hear there was a party last night?”

  That stopped me in my tracks. The coffee pot overflowed with water as I kept filling it under the faucet. “No,” I finally said. “I didn’t know that. Where was it?”

  “Over at the other club. Bobby’s club.” He winked knowingly. I felt cold inside suddenly. A party with those skanky whores? Was Creed there? I wanted to ask, naturally, but I bit my tongue—besides, it’s not like Harris would have known what happened. He was too young to go. Bobby wouldn’t have allowed him inside just in case the wrong eyes were watching.

  “Oh. I guess they had fun,” I said, being careful to keep my tone of voice even.

  “Yeah. I guess you could call it that,” Harris joked. The look on his face instantly made my hackles rise. It was like he knew something that I didn’t.

  “Bobby doesn’t let our guys fool around like that,” I reminded him. “There’s no touching the girls, and if they do they have to pay. Just the same as anybody else.”

  “Well, I don’t think they had to pay last night. If they did, I heard Creed would have had to pay double,” he chuckled. He had all the admiration of a young boy in his voice. Creed was obviously his hero at that moment.