Dirty Hacker: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (Alpha Men Book Book 2) Read online
Page 11
I smiled. “I understand.” Besides, my life was calling, too. Literally.
While he got a car for me, I realized the sun was rising, and my parents didn’t know where I was. I wondered if they realized I wasn’t home. As I dressed, I found my cell phone and took a look. What I found left my jaw on the floor: thirty missed calls and thirteen text messages. All from my parents. My stomach sank.
I started scrolling.
Where are you?
Are you alright?
Please pick up the phone. Your father and I are worried about you.
If you do not call us back within the hour, we are going to call the police!
I texted back immediately.
I’m sorry, I’m fine. I went to a friend’s house and fell asleep. I’m on my way home right now.
Shit! Well, if my parents weren’t already smothering, their smothering was about to be taken to a whole new level. I could hardly wait. The entire ride back to the house, I wondered how they were going to react. I was always a good kid, a good student. They couldn’t be too furious. Plus, I was about to leave for college. They couldn’t punish me too heavily, an eighteen-year-old who had never gotten into trouble before.
I had no idea how wrong I was.
As soon as I got out of the car, I saw my mother looking out the living room window. My heart skipped a beat. I was going to need to find a pretty good excuse for why she’d seen me climb out of a black Escalade. In a black dress and heels. This wasn’t just a “hanging out and sleeping over” situation. And my parents weren’t stupid. I walked up the steps on shaky legs to find them sitting in the living room, arms crossed.
“Sit down, Sophie. We need to talk.” My father’s face was red. I’d never seen him so angry.
All I could do was smile—it was what my face naturally did when I was nervous.
“Oh, so you think this is funny? We’ve been worried about you since 4 am! Trying to find you, terrified of what might have happened!”
“I’m sorry,” I said, sitting in the armchair across from them. “I really am. I didn’t mean to fall asleep. I would’ve texted to tell you where I was, but I fell asleep before I could do that.”
As I spoke, I felt my cell phone vibrate. Preston, of course, wondering if I got home all right. The very fact that I reached for it sent my mother through the ceiling.
“Put your phone on the coffee table!”
“Okay,” I sighed, placing it on the coffee table between us. Face-down, of course.
“Start by telling us where you were,” my father began.
“At a friend’s house. Victoria. We went to school together.”
My mother, ever the attorney asked: “How come we haven’t heard about her?”
“We haven’t been friends that long. It’s not like I tell you about all of my friends.” Oh, how right that was. I wished I could be honest, but there was no way. If they were mad at me for falling asleep at a friend’s house…
“I don’t care how long you have known each other, that was completely irresponsible! What were you thinking? You can’t leave the house late at night without telling us where you are going! You could have been killed! You could have been robbed! You have a bright future ahead of you, how could you be so foolish!” I had never heard my mother scream before. I didn’t think she was capable of that level of rage. “What’s Victoria’s parents’ number? I am going to have a word with her mother about this.”
“Um… I don’t know… I think her parents are out of town right now….”
“Are you serious?” My mother was livid. She leaned back against the couch, shaking her head back and forth.
My father leaned forward and grabbed my phone from the coffee table. As soon his hand touched it, I stood up.
“Hey! What are you doing?” I asked quickly.
“We’re going to solve this once and for all. Your mother and I are too old for games. You sneaked out of the house and disappeared until the next day without a word. You live in our house, so you are going to live by our rules. If you’re not going to tell us where you went last night, we’re going to have to do this the hard way. What’s your password?” My father asked, holding the phone in his hand.
I could tell they weren’t in the mood for more lies, but how could I tell them the truth? Then again, if they went through my phone, they would see all of my conversations with Preston. They would see all of the work I had been doing with The Alliance, all the times I had sneaked out before then. I started to panic. I tried to think fast while feeling my father’s intense stare beating down on me. I wanted to tell them they were being unfair for trying to invade my privacy but I knew that wouldn’t go over well. I had to be logical and careful—the way Preston would be. I would have to give them a better explanation. Maybe I could come clean about some of the truth but not offer all of it.
“Okay, you’re right. I’m not telling the whole truth. I wasn’t at a friend’s house. I’ll come clean, just please don’t go through my phone. I’ll tell you where I was.”
My father put my phone in his pocket and sat back down on the couch next to my mother. “All right Soph, you have the floor. Please try to make sense of this. You’ve never done anything like this before,” my father seemed concerned and puzzled at the same time.
I took a deep breath. “The truth is… I started dating someone recently.”
Four eyes widened at once. My father shifted in his seat, appearing uncomfortable while my mother seemed intrigued. I had never even brought a friend over. They probably didn’t expect me to date anytime soon.
“That’s where you were last night? You were out with this boy you’re dating?” my mother asked.
“Yeah, I was. We met a few weeks ago at a… at the library, and we have gone on a few dates since. I went out with him last night after you went to sleep, then went to his place to watch a movie and fell asleep on the couch. I woke up this morning, saw your texts, and came straight home,” I explained.
“Why didn’t you tell us you were dating someone and wanted to go to his house?”
“I didn’t know if you would approve of me dating someone. I also figured you both would want to meet him and didn’t think I was ready for that yet since I get the impression your only focus is me getting ready to go to Harvard.” I said. At least that was half-true.
“It is still unacceptable for you to sneak out of the house, especially to visit a boy you’ve been trying to hide from us. You’ve put us in a difficult situation,” my mother said, looking disappointed. I hated when she looked like that.
I started questioning my decisions.
“I’m going to hold onto your phone until we can be certain that you’re not going to lie to us anymore. There have to be consequences for your actions. You’re about to leave for college soon and will be entering the beginning of your adult world. You need to focus on your upcoming school year, not some boy.” My father took my phone out of his pocket and turned it off.
“Dad, no! I need my phone, you can’t take it away from me!” I argued.
“Yes, I can. I gave you the phone, I can take it away. Since you argued with me, I’m taking away your computer too!” my father yelled while walking up the stairs.
“No, Dad! Please! I need it for work!” I ran up behind him, pleading.
“They’ll just have to understand. You won’t be building websites much longer, anyway.” He took the laptop from my desk. “You’re grounded for a week. You like being in your room so much? We’ll see how much you like it without your computer.”
There was nothing I could say or do. I’d never seen either of my parents so upset before, so I didn’t know how to react. It occurred to me that they didn’t know how to react, either, since nothing like this had ever happened.
We were all at a loss.
My father headed back down stairs and I reached underneath my bed and pulled out the laptop Preston had given me. I opened my email account and sent him a quick
message, telling him how my parents had just caught me sneaking in. Within a few moments, he responded with an email.
I was worried something had happened to you when you didn’t respond for an hour. I didn’t realize you were sneaking out this entire time. I was unaware I was an accomplice in your disobedience all along. You have been a naughty girl, and naughty girls must pay the price. However, it’s crucial for us to maintain regular communication. I am going to have a cell phone delivered to your mailbox. Check for a package later this morning. Message me from the phone as soon as you receive it. I enjoyed our time together. Get some sleep. Goodnight beautiful.
Somehow, even though I’d just gotten into the biggest fight ever with my parents, Preston managed to make me feel at ease. He always knew the right thing to do.
And no matter how angry my parents were, I didn’t regret my decision. Not for a minute. Losing my virginity to Preston was the best thing that had happened to me in a long time. I wasn’t about to let anybody take away what I’d experienced with him the night before.
When I fell asleep, it was with a smile on my face.
Chapter 16
I slept until noon, and as soon as I opened my eyes, I headed to the mailbox. Sure enough, there was a package there. Good thing my parents were at work.
Inside the box was a brand-new iPhone 7. Pink. I squealed when I saw how adorable it was. There was also a note from Preston.
I hope you slept well. I uploaded a few documents onto this phone and started a new email account for you. Text me as soon as it’s charged. Don’t make me wait. -Preston
The sick part was, I realized as I ran to my room, that even though it had only been maybe six hours since the last time I saw Preston, it felt like years. I was so used to his almost constant presence in my life. It felt unnatural to wake up and not see a text from him.
The second the phone lit up, once it was charged, I opened my messaging app to let him know I’d received it. When he responded only a few moments later, I breathed easier. It felt good to know I could easily contact him again.
Are you free right now? I know you got into trouble because of last night but can you come over right now? I’ve been thinking about you all morning. I need to see you.
Hmm. My parents wouldn’t be home until six, at the earliest. I needed to see him, too. What was the worst that could happen if I left and got back before they came home? I decided to take the gamble and told him yes, I would see him. He told me he’d send a car, so I jumped in the shower to prepare myself. I was sore—very sore—after the rendezvous from the night before, but it didn’t hurt. It was more like an ever-present reminder.
Was it just me, or did I feel even more mature than I had when I walked down that hall only hours earlier? At that time, I’d known I was going to leave without my virginity intact. I’d just known. And since then, so much had happened. It wasn’t just having sex, though. I felt more confident. I could get into a fight with my parents and not lose my head. I could still get out, making my own decisions.
I was my own woman.
When I finally arrived to Preston’s apartment he opened the door before I even had the chance to knock. A playful smile beamed across his handsome face. He leaned in, kissed me, then welcomed me into his home. Instead of city lights twinkling outside the windows, sunlight poured into the room.
“I was just making coffee. Do you want any?”
“No, I’m fine. Thanks.”
“All right, then. Let’s get to business.” He grabbed me by the hips and directed me to stand in front of the kitchen table. “Put both of your hands on the surface. Don’t move unless I tell you to.”
His tone of voice was strict, stern. I was both curious and amused by him. I was also turned on just by being near him. I wanted to feel his touch, his lips against mine, his tongue on my neck. I didn’t know what he was about to do, but I was willing to accept anything he gave me.
I felt a hand on my waist before his warm breath gently swept across the skin of my shoulder. I was wearing a tank top and shorts, so a lot of my skin was exposed to him. I felt goosebumps rise in the wake of his breath.
“As I mentioned in my email, you’ve been a bad girl. Good girls don’t sneak out of their parents’ houses, and they don’t lie. I want you to tell me everything, regardless of whether you think I’ll like it or not. Don’t keep anything from me. Whether you’re sneaking of out prison or lying to your Mother, I need to know about it. I need to know what’s going on in your life to take care of you the way you deserve. Since I did not previously state these expectations, I’m not going to punish you this time. But if you repeat this type of behavior in the future, I’m going to have to punish you. It’s for your own benefit,” Preston said blatantly. I wondered what type of punishments he had in mind. Even though he was lecturing me, I could feel myself getting wet as I stood before him, bent over with my legs spread apart. “Are you willing to keep me updated on the most intimate details of your life? It may not feel comfortable at first, since it’s difficult to be that open and vulnerable. However, over time, you’ll find it will only make us stronger.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Are you willing to obey me?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good girl,” he whispered into my ear. At the same time, his hips met mine from behind, causing me to gasp at the bulge that grazed my back. “I’ve been wanting to feel you again since you left this morning.”
He held me in place, although I wanted to turn to face him. My hands were still pressed flat on the wooden kitchen table. I could feel a rush of excitement and pleasure soar through my body as he held my hands in place.
He kept whispering into my ears. “I like seeing you bent over my table,” he admitted. “Have you been thinking of me?”
“Yes, sir.”
“I know you liked how I made you come yesterday,” he whispered.
His hands were moving upward, toward my breasts, rendering my brain incapable of registering his words. His broad chest was plastered against back, making it difficult to keep from falling forward onto the table. The way his fingers started to explore my cleavage was making it impossible to complain.
“You shouldn’t lie to your parents,” he whispered again
I was surprised at my response, “I shouldn’t.” I repeated his words.
I couldn’t breathe. The movement of his hands all over my body was more than I was prepared for. I loved the way he touched me so confidently. His whispers made me even wetter by the moment. I removed one hand from the table, searched for the bulge in his trousers and held on to his hardening cock. I heard him sigh deeply as I gripped his dick.
His hands left my breast and held my neck tightly. I felt another rush of pleasure, but I made no movement, still holding on to his mounting shaft. Preston dropped one of his hands to stop my movement. His other hand left my neck and worked on the waistband of my shorts.
“You’re going to come when I tell you to,” he whispered.
Those were his last words before he dropped my shorts to the floor, then pulled my tank top over my head. He held onto my waist and turned me to face him. I couldn’t speak. I said nothing the whole time. I closed my eyes, expecting the consequential pleasure of his lips on my nipple as he bent his head toward one.
Preston cursed silently as my breasts were freed after he took off my black bra. I closed my eyes, thrusting my chest toward his advancing head as he moved for a flick of my nipple. When his mouth touched me, I sighed and buried my fingers in his hair. He sucked at my nipple as though he really enjoyed my taste, my scent. It was a powerful feeling, knowing I turned him on that way.
He slowly started getting rougher with me. He squeezed my breast before giving it a light slap. My shuttered eyes twitched uncontrollably as he did this with a gentle and yet forceful motion. I held onto his tie with one hand, while the other hand grasped his soft hair.
“I’m glad you came over last night. I’m glad you came here again today,” Preston
said. I could not collect my thoughts enough to respond.
My eyes flickered open. I stared at him as if I was seeing him for the first time, the more aggressive side of him. After a few moments, I rested my eyes on the bulge of his erect cock pressing against me.
“I’m really glad you invited me,” I said honestly.
He crushed my body to his, pressing his lips into mine, holding my waist again. Impatient and aroused at the same time, he opened his fly and led my hand to his released member. Without thinking twice, I got down onto my knees. I had been wanting to know what his cock tasted like. I did not know anything about oral sex but I figured it was a good time to learn.
I looked up at him as I opened my mouth wide, my tongue out. I stayed in that position until he stepped forward to dip his cock into my mouth. I kept my lips open wide as he began to slowly fuck my mouth, sliding his cock in and out of me as I looked up at him. As he hit the back of my throat, I could feel my spit collecting in my mouth. My drool began to roll out and down onto my breasts. Preston moaned as he grabbed the back of my head and pulled himself deeper into my mouth. I moaned and gagged, feeling his shaft between my lips.
“Open your mouth wide,” he told me.
He let out a primal groan with my sudden movement. I reached my hand up to grab the thickness of his shaft. I slid my mouth back and forth, stroking his cock at the same time, letting my instincts show me the way. What would make me feel good if I had a cock? I wondered. So, I leaned back and licked the head before plunging his member back into my mouth once again. I was surprised by how smooth it felt on my tongue and between my lips. I really wanted to take my time with it and show him how much I appreciated him.
I swallowed his cock again, forcing it into my throat.
“Tongue the head. Especially that little spot underneath, near the tip.” He leaned his head back with a deep, guttural groan, feeling every inch of my throat. I dared let him slide from my mouth, still stroking so I could lick his balls before looking back up at him. I could tell by his facial expression that he was pleased with me.