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Page 10

  Jace took a few sips, his eyes on Tony in the corner. "I'm Detective Bryan."

  "Tony," he supplied, crossing his arms back across his chest. Jace nodded and turned back to me. "So this is what has to go down per the guys upstairs. I need to interview Julia first before I'm allowed to set up anything. They want her admission that Kevin Bacus is involved with this whole charade and more than likely she will have to testify when the trial comes."

  I shifted my stance, feeling the pull of stress on my neck. "And if she doesn't?"

  Jace gave me a wry smile. "If she doesn't, we still are going after the fucker, on or off the books Travis. He won't get away with this."

  Chapter Twenty


  Well, I had looked a hell of a lot better. Reaching out, I touched the swollen bruise on my face, wincing as the tender skin shot pain throughout my body. It had taken me fifteen minutes and a great deal of help from Hannah to get me this far, another fifteen to do my bathroom business and look in the mirror. I felt like I had been run over numerous times with a semi-truck, not one inch of my body that didn't hurt. A few places were worse than others, bruises standing out in dark contrast from my rapidly fading California tan, but all in all, I had no broken bones, so I was considering myself lucky, even if I didn't look like it.

  With a sigh I pushed away from the sink, forcing my sore body to move out of the bathroom where I knew Hannah was waiting. After a quick shower, I felt marginally better, though I knew I was a sight.

  "Hey," Hannah said as I walked back into the bedroom. "How do you feel?"

  "Like crap," I admitted, forcing my arms over my head to work out some of the kinks. "But it could have been worse."

  "That's one way to look at it," she said softly, her eyes on my face. "With some makeup, we can make those bruises disappear."

  "So I don't scare little kids?" I teased to keep my sanity about this whole mess.

  She laughed. "Yeah, well we can't have that happening you know."

  I gave her a smile, wincing as I felt the pull of the bruises on my face. I was grateful that Travis had called her, needing a friend more than anything. I couldn't face Travis. I didn't want him to see me like this. I didn't want to see the pity in his eyes. I also didn't want him involved in this mess that had become my life, though I had no idea what I was going to do about it. "I don't know how to thank you."

  She waved my words off with her hand. "Don't even start. You've bailed me out enough over the last week or so that this is the least I could do. Matter of fact, if there is anything else I can do for you, you just let me know."

  "Thanks," I said, feeling the tears gather in my eyes.

  She nodded and walked to the door. "Ready to face the crowd?"

  I nodded and followed her out, rounding the corner to see three men in the living room. One was Travis, and the other was Hannah's fiancĂ©, Tony, but the third I didn't recognize, though I didn't overlook the shine of his badge as he turned toward me. Travis had called the cops. Great.

  Travis started toward me, his eyes fastened on mine and I could see the tension in his shoulders, the way that his jaw was clenched. I shouldn't have ever involved him. I didn't want him to get hurt, his friends to get hurt because I was stupid. He stopped, and I felt my body shake in response, my hands trembling. "Hi."

  His hand reached out and barely brushed my bruised skin, so light that I could barely hold back the tears. "Hey," he answered, his eyes searching mine. "How are you feeling?"

  "Not good," I said with a little shrug. "But, I will be okay."

  "Yes," he said softly, his thumb rubbing over my lip before dropping his hand. "You will. Come on; there's someone I want you to meet."

  I tried not to think so much of the fact that he had taken my hand in his, lacing our fingers together as he turned toward the other man in the room. "Julia, this is Detective Bryan."

  "Jace," the handsome detective said, extending his hand. I shook it, feeling the warmth of his hand in mine. He had a wide, friendly smile, the kind you see on those detective shows right before they nail you to the wall and I couldn't help but feel like he was here to interrogate me. "It's nice to meet you, Julia."

  Travis squeezed my hand before letting go, and I felt the disconnect instantly, craving for his warmth to come back. Actually, I wanted him to just wrap me in his arms and never let go but instead crossed my arms over my chest. "You, too."

  "I'm here to talk about what happened to you," Jace continued, motioning toward the couch. "Care to sit? Travis has his usual black sludge coffee if you would like some."

  I shook my head, my stomach in knots. He smiled, and I walked toward the couch, wincing as I lowered myself onto it. Jace chose the chair across from the couch, resting his arms on his legs, his hands clasped loosely together. A warm hand clasped my shoulder, and I felt a frisson of heat pool in my lower half, Travis's comforting touch doing wonders for my battered body.

  "So, Julia, I want to let you know that we have been following Kevin for a while now," Jace started. "He's being investigated for fraud."

  I wanted to laugh aloud if it wouldn't hurt so much. Fraud? He had done tons of fraud with me, and I wanted him to go to prison for life for the hurt he had caused. It wasn't physical, but more emotional. Not wanting to look like a crazy woman hell bent on revenge, I forced myself to blow out a breath before I responded. "Fraud?"

  Jace nodded as Travis started lightly rubbing my shoulder with his fingers. "He's been skimming money for quite some time. Recently those transactions have become big enough for the IRS to take notice. Not only has he been skimming money, but he's also been making adjustments in the books of his investments, and has been jacking up the prices, being careless with covering his tracks. I take it he took all your money as well?"

  "Yes," I said, my voice wavering just slightly. "He wiped me out not long after I moved to Chicago."

  "Good," he said before holding up a hand. "I mean not good for you Julia, but real good in the case we have been building on him. All we need is to catch him admitting to the fact, and honestly, I believe you will be the best chance we have."

  I snorted. After what I had said to him yesterday, I doubted I could coax anything out of Kevin. I had made it real clear I wasn't very happy with him. "Why me?"

  "You have a history with him," Jace continued. "You had a relationship with him. People tend to be more open and honest with those that they once cared about. Plus, he's already admitted to you about the money. He's likely to do it again."

  I bit the inside of my lip, my heart pounding in my ears. I didn't want to do it, but it was the right thing to do. I never wanted to see Kevin again. "He needs twenty thousand more to make these guys go away. The total amount was seventy-five thousand."

  "Good, God," Anthony said from the barstool where he and Hannah were sitting. "What the hell has he been doing?"

  "Gambling," I answered. "Betting. That's all he told me."

  "That's a lot of betting," Jace replied with a grimace. "You said he needs twenty thousand?"

  I nodded, feeling ill. It was a lot of money to have to pony up.

  "I'll give the money."

  I whirled around to face Travis, ignoring the protest of pain in my body. "What?"

  He shrugged. "I can front that kind of money. I'll do it."

  "Alright then," Jace said, giving Travis a weird look. "We just need a place to have this take place."

  "The fight," Anthony supplied. "It will be the perfect cover, and if he does something drastic, we won't let him get out of there on his own two legs."

  I felt the sting of tears again as I listened to them plan, wondering how I had gotten so lucky to be dropped in the midst of these great people. They were willing to help out a virtual stranger without asking for anything in return. I owed them my life.

  "It's all set then," Jace said, standing. "I'll be in touch."

  I watched as Travis walked Jace to the door, shaking hands with him and feeling like a complete failure in the process.
Travis had twenty thousand? What if it was his life savings and something horrible happened, like Kevin actually escaped? I would never be able to forgive myself.

  Hannah and Anthony left a short time later, Hannah promising to check up on me later. Travis shut the door behind them as I rose from the couch, feeling the exhaustion in my muscles. I could literally sleep for weeks, but now was not the time to get any rest. "What do you think you are doing?" I asked softly, facing him. "This isn't your fight."

  He pushed away from the door and walked over to the fridge, opening it to pull out a bottle of water. "I don't know what you are talking about."

  "Twenty thousand dollars?" I asked as he took a sip. "I can't allow you to do that."

  Travis chuckled as he set the bottle on the counter. "You're not allowing me to do anything, Julia. We are going to get you out of this fucking mess."

  "I can't," I started as he turned toward me. "Please, this is my mess, not yours."

  He crossed the room and gently took my face in his hands, his warmth seeping through my skin. "Listen," he said softly, his eyes searching mine. "I have the money. I will get the money back. What I am worried about is how I am going to keep from kicking his ass for what he has caused, what he has done to you. You didn't deserve this, Julia."

  A tear escaped down my cheek as he gathered me against his chest, my fist clenching his shirt tightly. "I'm so sorry."

  "It's not your fault," he said, his hand smoothing down my hair.

  I leaned into him, feeling his strength all around me and wishing we had met under different terms. I doubted honestly that I would have given him a second look, too in love with a man that had destroyed my life, but it was nice to think we would have connected somehow, under some different world.

  He pulled away from me and pressed a kiss on my forehead. "It'll be okay, Julia."

  I leaned in and pressed my lips against his, not wanting to talk anymore. I didn't want to feel anything but his hands on my body, caressing my skin. His lips were hungry, teasing and searching before he pulled away, his breathing harsh. "No," he said, running a hand through his hair. "We can't do this. You're not in a position."

  "I'm fine," I answered, taking a step toward him. "I need this, Travis. Please. Help me forget."

  He swore as my trembling hands touched his chest, feeling the rapid heartbeat under my fingers. He looked torn as I closed the gap, pressing my body against his and feeling the evidence of his arousal. He wanted me; there was no doubt about it. And I wanted him, so much. "Please," I whispered, my hands framing his face, forcing him to look at me. "Travis."

  Chapter Twenty-One


  She was killing me. I was going to die a slow, agonizing death by her touch, the way she was whispering please in my ear. A shiver went down my spine, and I knew at that moment that I couldn't deny her anything. Grasping her wrists lightly, I pressed my lips against hers, drowning in her taste. She was intoxicating.

  I drew back, feeling the pounding of her pulse under my fingers as I searched her eyes for any sign of wariness. I found none. "Are you sure?"

  She nodded, her breathing coming out in short pants. I swallowed, determined to take this slow. She was still injured, the side of her face swollen and starting to turn an ugly purple color, the tribute to the last fucker who had broken her heart. I wasn't going to be that guy. Releasing her wrists, I reached up and pushed her hair aside, cupping the back of her neck gently as my lips descended on hers. She moaned against my lips, her tongue eagerly seeking out mine as I pulled her close, my own pulse thundering in my ears. Screw slow. I wanted her now.

  Grasping her hips, I pressed her against the wall, my lips near her ear. "You tell me if I hurt you."

  "You're not hurting me," she said with a gasp as one of my hands slid down to cup the warm place between her thighs. I grinned as my fingers slid under the waistband of her pants and pulled them down, exposing her creamy skin and the bright pink color of her panties. She wiggled under my touch as I grazed her ass with my hand, my cock aching painfully behind the zipper of my jeans. I could bury myself in her now, but I refrained, wanting her to beg for release under my touch. I pulled back so I could see her eyes, my hand sliding up her shirt and cupping her breast inside of her bra. "Are you ready for me?" I asked harshly, my thumb grazing over her nipple.

  "Yes," she panted, reaching for me. "Please, Travis."

  I removed my hand and grabbed hers instead, leading her into the bedroom with the intent of dumping her on the bed so she would have a soft place under her sore body. Instead, she turned around and pulled me close, her hands sliding under my shirt. "I want my time with your body now."

  I chuckled and dropped my arms as her nimble hands grazed over my chest. "Go ahead."

  She smiled and forced the shirt over my head, her lips grazing my pec as her tongue swirled around my nipple. My cock jumped to attention at the thought of her lips down there, forcing me to think of other things, like the numbers on the books at the gym to keep from losing it before we even got started.

  Her hand drifted down my abdomen for the belt buckle on my jeans, deftly undoing it and forcing my jeans down, my cock springing free. I gritted my teeth as her hand slipped over the hard member, testing its weight with her fingers. She was going to kill me. Either that or I was going to embarrass myself in mere minutes.

  When she knelt before me, I nearly lost it, her tongue touching the engorged tip before her lips wrapped around me, a groan leaving my throat. Fucking hell. I wasn't going to last much longer. My hands fisted at my sides, scared to touch her lest I hurt her even more as she explored me with her tongue, sweat breaking out on my forehead. "You're killing me," I said softly, looking down at her. "God, that's gorgeous."

  She grinned up at me, kissing the tip lightly. "I can't have you dying on me."

  I growled and hauled her upright, sliding her body against mine. "Your turn."

  In a matter of second I had her remaining clothes on the floor and my mouth on hers, my hand trailing down her body until I found the swollen nub in between her wet folds. She gasped in my mouth as I started to rub slowly, realizing she was teetering on the edge as well. When I inserted a finger into her wet entrance, she screamed into my mouth, her body jerking as the orgasm overtook her, kissing the side of her neck as she shattered in my arms.

  Once she was done, I laid her gently on the bed, reaching in my bedside table for a condom and sliding it on roughly before I entered her, groaning as her wetness surrounded my cock. "You're so fucking wet," I said, my arms straining to keep my body upright and off hers. "So wet."

  Her hands were frantically grabbing at me, urging me closer and I complied, sliding until I couldn't go any further. She was pulsating around me, wrapping her legs around my waist to hold me there until I thought I was going to lose it.

  Then I started to move, feeling her tighten around me, her breathy pants nearly driving me insane. When she reached her peak again, I drove into her, sweat pouring down my body as I strained to hold on as long as I could. Leaning down, I kissed her hard, pumping into her and letting go, my own release coming hard and fast.

  I immediately rolled to the side so that I wouldn't fall on her, sweat drenching my body as I stared up at the ceiling, my pulse pounding in my ears. Damn. I felt like I was on top of the fucking world.

  Julia started to giggle beside me, and I frowned, turning to face her. "What's so funny?"

  "I don't know," she answered between her laughing, her eyes sparkling. "I just, my life is so screwed up."

  I didn't know how to take that, but I doubted she meant anything by it. Both of our lives were fucking screwed up right now. Pushing off the bed, I disposed of the condom in the bathroom and toweled off my sweat, running some water over my face before I walked back into the bedroom. She was covered with my comforter, her bruises starting to really pop on her skin and I felt the spurt of anger well up inside at the thought of what she had gone through. I hadn't been able to save her.

bsp; "What's that look for?" she asked softly as I climbed on the bed, afraid to touch her.

  I ran a hand through my hair, unsure of what to say. I had failed another person that I should have saved. I didn't deserve this thing I was having with Julia. She should be pissed at me, refusing to even talk to me.

  "Hey," Julia said, concern on her face as she loomed over me. "What's wrong? Did I do something?"

  "No," I interrupted immediately, reaching out to smooth her hair back behind her ear. "You didn't do anything wrong."

  "Then talk to me," she urged. "Please don't shut me out now, Travis."

  I looked at the bruises on her face, the telltale sign that I hadn't been there when she needed me the most. "I failed you."

  Her eyes widened. "What?"

  My fingers drifted over the area lightly, my rage boiling on the inside of the pain she had suffered. "This. Everything. I hadn't been able to protect you."

  To my surprise, she burst into laughter and not tears of accusation, rolling on her back to look up at the ceiling. "Really? Is that what you are worried about?"

  "It's enough, ain't it?" I fired back, confused by her response.

  Her body shook with laughter, giggles escaping her mouth as she propped up on one elbow, a grin on her face. "No, Travis, you hadn't been able to protect me, but I also haven't asked you to do so. I'm a big girl. I can protect myself, given I haven't done a great job at it lately."

  I frowned at her. "You shouldn't have to."

  She reached out and cupped my cheek with her hand, her eyes sparkling. "I really appreciate the fact that you are willing to want to protect me. We don't know each other very well, yet you feel as if it's your duty and trust me, I'm a lucky girl." Julia dropped her hand, dark clouds entering her eyes. "But it's not your fault I'm in this situation or that this has happened to me. It's my fault and my fault alone."